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Long before in a sentence

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Sentence count:151+4Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: before longbeforecome beforelonglong.alonglong forall along
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31 It was not long before I realised the enormity of my faux pas.
32 His reputation for carelessness was established long before the latest problems arose.
33 It wasn't too long before we had worked out a plan acceptable to all.
34 It was not long before their peace was disturbed by the next wave of visitors.
35 Long before that, she had been a research chemist.
36 It was not long before they began to complain.
37 But it was not long before a backlash began.
38 Long before that, however, Adams's company took a bold step forward.
39 There is evidence that the Babylonians were using sine tables, recorded in cuneiform symbols on clay tablets( before.html), long before Hipparchus.
40 Yet it wasn't long before he was remembering that journey as the last chance he'd had to turn back.
41 I came to terms with that long before the accident.
42 Afterwards his men felt that he had waited too long before baling out.
43 You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us. Robert Louis Stevenson 
44 It was not long before such people became the butt of the intellectuals.
45 Picasso was painting pictures in a Cubist style long before the Cubist movement was born.
46 It shouldn't be too long before we get an answer in the shape of the first computer animation feature films.
47 It was not long before he had found a position in the same firm for young Joseph[], as a junior clerk.
48 Fortunately, he ate his last slice long before the advent of pub beauty contests.
49 She discussed the arrangements with me not long before she died.
50 However, I had already begun the process, long before coming over, of minimizing and dismissing my cultural identity.
51 It may not be long before more brutal solutions to this modern menace are enacted.
52 One day, not long before he died, he accepted it.
53 If he'd tried to bottle it up he would have exploded one way or the other long before now.
54 The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights. Muhammad Ali 
55 But the mythology of footwear began long before Dorothy stepped on to the yellow brick road.
56 It was a practical certainty that he would be trying to raise more loans long before these were ever repaid.
57 Long before there was any conscious thought of unity, there was shared experience.
58 Even the precautions he took could not allay her fears and it wasn't too long before he gave up trying.
59 This letter belonged to a time long before he became archbishop, but promotion did not change his mind.
60 An old armchair could have fatal consequences, long before the fire service has arrived to tackle the flames.
More similar words: before longbeforecome beforelonglong.alonglong forall alongprolongget alonglongtimeno longerlong sinceany longerbelong toas long aslong-termso long asalongsidealong withget along within the long runnothing butbring backanything butbe full ofbe familiar withcome forcare forreform
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